Wednesday, January 2, 2013

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things ♬


Well I think everyone deserves a pat on the back for surviving 2012! Especially to those who have gone through a lot this year, my heart goes out to you guys. The other day, while I was on my way to a picnic, I had a brief discussion with Ann. (click on her name to visit her blog!) We were talking about how in 2013 we'd be 17 and still wanting to be forever 16, without going through GCSE O Levels that is. Being 16 was like being young but mature enough to have gone through the struggles of Friendship, Love and Discovering One's Self. It felt like "Wow I finally know what to do! Let me enjoy being 16!" and then *poof* the year ends. You may agree with me or you may not. But hell that was what I felt. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to tackle being 17 yet but my older friends have told me "Being 17 is like being old enough to do more things but young enough to get away with it." So I guess I'm gonna enjoy the ride.

For todays post, I'll be sharing with you guys my 2012 FAVOURITES. So on with the show! *party poppers*


NIGHT VISIONS by Imagine Dragons | UP ALL NIGHT by One Direction | YOUNG FOOLISH HAPPY by Pixie Lott 
BEACON by Two Door Cinema Club

Da-duh-dah! Some of my favourite albums to jam to this year! Do not judge me for One Direction, I still have a little fan girl inside of me. I'm no longer a hardcore fan though. I know some of these albums were released a few years or so before 2012. Music is timeless. Well, kinda.


The Dark Knight Rises | Extremely Loud Incredibly Close | Hunger Games | Hugo
Rise of the Guardians | One Day | The Perks Of Being a Wallflower | The Haunting in Connecticut
The Art of Getting By | The Amazing Spiderman | Never Let Me Go | Flipped

I basically have a wide range of genres here. I don't have pure Comedies in here though, I just noticed! Perks is kinda comedic... Ah well~ I really enjoy movies so I'm not picky with genres! 2012 had some seriously good films. I'm eggcited for movies coming out in 2013! Book lovers will understand my feelings :)

Awkward | Once Upon A Time Season 2 | American Horror Story: Asylum
Supernatural Season 7 | Game of Thrones Season 1&2 | Pretty Little Liars Season 3
Miranda Series 1&2 | Glee Season 4 | Jane By Design

I love my fair share of shows... My number favourite this year has to be Game Of Thrones. It is mind blowing! I will never remember the day where I didn't have it in my life. I mean just wow. Its seriously recommended but it ain't for the faint hearted. Its probably R18? Yeah better watch that show alone ._. if possible....

of a series

Clockwork Angel|Clockwork Prince|Hunger Games|Catching Fire|Mockingjay
The Summer I Turned Pretty|It's Not Summer Without You| We'll Always Have Summer
City of Bones|City of Ashes|City of Glass|City of Fallen Angels|City of Lost Souls


that are not of a series
 Warped | Rich and Mad | This is What I Want to Tell You                       

Since I turned like 9? I started to take books seriously. I think one of the first books I've ever genuinely read from cover to back was C.S Lewis's The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe. I distinctively remember my father forcing me to read the whole book or would not take me to see the film otherwise. The film was released 2005, so I've done my calculations and I was 9 at the time. I don't know about you but it was hard for me to actually sit down and read a book at the age of 9! I was far more interested in watching rather than reading. But yeah, I till this day love reading and I've read quite number of books this year but I have to say these were my favourites! That I could remember.....

Honest to god, I could do a whole entire blog post on books alone but no one would really want to read it except for my best friend, probably.


  Finn Harries RTed me 

 My 5SOS photo got so many likes on FB

 I won 5SOS drawing competition

Sam Pepper actually replied/mentioned me

George Craig followed me

Maybe the FAVOURITE ONLINE MOMENTS were "bragging" moments but hey I don't do that often. Maybe only to my best friends and instagram :P

I won't specifically talk about my favourite memories that I had with family and friends because who CAN remember. Every moment I have with my loved ones are held dear to my heart and I wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world. I was pleased with 2012 from the start to the finish :) From the last day of school till Graduation and Prom! Which was super awesome btw! Just lemme show some pictures now!

As I come to the end of another chapter of my life, I look back and think about everything I've gone through and what I want in 2013... My new years resolution? 

Do things I've never done.
Enjoy every moment like its my last.
Live in the "Now".
Live a life without regrets so if I die, I'll die happy.
Always do my best.
Fuck what people think, I am the writer of my own story.
Be someone in life.

I'll leave you guys with a quote! So cliché but mehhhhh. Its my blog anyways.

"If you resist to read what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions."

ciao bellas