Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This calls for a celebration :-)

Let us start of with todays Outfit Of The Day/Night shall we? 

So yeah, I decided to go with this outfit :) Everyone was raving about going to Tatming's birthday party during lessons but Sudha and I were just worried how we were going to be able to skip science remedial to get ready for it :P what a pair of divas we are. Can't blame a girl who wants to look her best for a night out right? 

I love all of em to bits!
(only a portion of the guests btw.)

It was seriously thoughtful how much Tatming put into planning this whole thing. From the countless of people he wanted to see to taking care of the cost of the buffet and actually caring about how we get there and how we get back home. He is honestly one of the nicest guys I've ever known and one of the most trustworthy, loyal and supportive friend anyone could ever have :3 I'm glad to have spent the night with him and a bunch of other seriously wonderful and awesome people to celebrate the day he was brought to life :-)  

Yummy right!?

The food was.... OHMYGLOB SO FRIGGIN DELICIOUS. Too bad my tummy couldn't take in much more than I had hoped to D: Friggin Japanese cuisine, how could anyone stop themselves from salivating!? I mean come on, we even got complementary dishes being served to us. QUALITY FOOD. Like crab and beef and those pregnant capelin (many of em seriously enjoyed experimenting with their taste buds) An hour into the meal and we were full. THUS, we head to the Singapore river to take a stroll ;) Sprinting through the water fountain, watching a magician show, climbing, watching belly dancers and embarrassing each other which was all great fun, what I enjoyed the most was that we WERE free in those few hours to not care about anything and just HAVE FUN. We weren't sec 4 students or O'level candidates, we were a bunch of closely knitted friends who were goofing their asses off. I'll never trade that memory for anything in the world. 

I like this photo, make a wish!

We were walking along those really classy pubs and we just sang our hearts out to the birthday song and after we were done all the caucasian customers were looking pretty darn pleased with our singing and started clapping for the birthday boy :P Got back to the restaurant and cut the cake!



Some other shots taken throughout the night

Tatming's mom and her boyfriend were so kind as to give the all of us a lift back home. Tho, my dad did come and fetch me. I really appreciated the thought! Thanks! My feet are so sore now :P maybe doing all those things in wedges wasn't the brightest idea. Well no pain no gain!

Last but not the least, a very happy birthday to you Tat Ming :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Quick Update: Birthdays and OOTDs!

I shall not speak of my english oral, I shall not jinx my results <3



These are the outfits that I plan to wear tomorrow for TM's birthday party. Trying to figure out which one I'd wanna wear. Good Luck to me :-)

Au Revoir 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Too much wants, too little cash.

 Rhiannon                                                                Becca

So recently, I've been spending my days watching 2 of my most favourite fashion youtubers Rhiannon (FashionRocksMySocks) and Becca (VoussontBeauetBelle) and I have to say that they ARE guilty of making me want soooooo many things, especially, from Topshop. The sad thing is that Topshop is way more expensive here in Singapore than compared to the UK. Since shipping, rates and taxes and other shenanigans like that. I was awake till 1 am last night and all that kept me occupied was my best friend on skype. Hence, I decided to put my urge to shop and all the fashion items that I want into a picture!


This is just a short update on my life for all you people who are reading my blog. Theres probably less than a handful (hai sudha) Moving on!

I should start picking up french aye? ;-)