Saturday, April 27, 2013

No amount of words can describe this one experience

Freshmen Orientation. 2 words. A whole new experience. A million possible outcomes.

When I realised that I was gonna be thrown into a whole new environment without any friends or any knowledge of what to expect, my adrenaline got pumping. I like being challenged with situations like this. I like meeting new people but I don't like being in awkward situations. I can't help laughing at myself in my head. I think many people know what I mean.

FMO day 3 group

Its like whilst being in an awkward situation you suddenly start narrating the whole thing in your head and then start predicting what happens next and when it does you can't help but say "What the fck, I can't believe this is happening. This is SOOOOOO awkward." Then I go the extra step of actually laughing to myself and let out a "pfft" sound. (I told my sister this and she was just like "You're psychotic, NOBODY does that.")

That was kind of off track.

So I won't go into detail about what happened but I met a bunch of super amazing and oh-so-fantastic weirdos. Whom I now call friends. Hehehehe. Okay, I think its universally known that if you call someone weird it means that you regard that person as a friend. Cause you're comfortable enough to call that person weird.

Now that that portions over and having gone through 2 weeks of school now, I think its safe to say that I'm really enjoying Polytechnic life. I really like my course and my friends, plus the timetable is really chilled I don't think I'll be complaining about school anytime soon. Not yet.

Btw my course is Interaction Design in SIDM. In short, IxD.

I like how NYP is really artsy and how easy it is to navigate around school. To be honest I'm quite surprised how excited I am going to school now a days because initially I wasn't thrilled to be attending NYP or this course. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. But my mom told me "Just give it a try, you never know what would happen....etc" She started mentioning things like how god works in mysterious ways (or smth like that) I can't remember cause I tuned out. LOL.

Bought this to remind myself to constantly blog and drink water because I can go days on end without drinking water at all.

I don't have much pictures to post tho.............................. "boring blog post". I hate not having pictures to post...............................

On the bright side, I finally have my very own and very new Macbook Pro with Retina Display. I'll be blogging religiously every weekend from now on. Maybe.

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