Sunday, December 16, 2012

Planning ahead!


Well, lets just say I do not have the motivation to keep blogging or doing stuff. Its like I can't continue things..... urgh. Why Michelle why. Why do you even try? I'm sorry.... I need to name my blog. What should I call you....Billy the Blog? Yes you shall be Billy. Billys a cute name, I've never met anyone named Billy. For Christs sake. I'm getting off topic. Okay where was I? AH YES.


The reason for this is because I'm lazy. I'm just gonna be brutally honest. I'm a lazy ass person who sits/lies on her bed all day whilst using my laptop. Tbh, I don't do much with my life ._. I haven't got a job, a boyfriend or a social life. Because(!), internet, you're my only friend. But the a tiny reason for this grand gesture is *drum rolls* I'll be moving out of the room I'm currently rotting in. I know what you're thinking. "But Michelle, where are you going to be rooming then?" Its like you guys (especially my friends who've been to my house) don't process the fact that I do have another room and there can be plans made to clear that room to make it mine. Geniuses. Which leads me to my next point!


I have decided to (as you can tell from the title) to make my room abit more... how do I put this... abit more "my territory" hm, I quite like "my domain" better. MY DOMAIN IT SHALL BE. Yes first things first. I'd be getting a single bed now as oppose to the double decked bed me and my sister share. I'm taking her bed frame tho and I think she's taking mine to use it as a "couch" for her room. I'd probably be adding lights around the frame.

                                    SCORE! I HAVE THAT BED LAMP AT THE SIDE!

I'd probably add a little side table just so I can put my iPhone charged right beside me and my mini book collections I've bought over the past few years. *_* I'm a nerd for reading so much and crying. I'd probably get cool bedsheets to match my awesomeness cause I'm hip like that. Bitches be trippin. I'm sorry for my language btw. Its 6AM in the morning and I decided to blog okay. NEXT... I'd have a wicker basket to put like magazines and beauty products i'll accumulate!


Yeah, she's sort of an inspiration for this. If you don't know me well you probably won't know that I'm obsessed with Seventeen Magazine? I've collected like 2-3 years worth of Seventeen Mags. Moving on! The next addition is *drum rolls* A clothing rack *o*

Mind you, I'm not trying to be "hipster" by adding a clothing rack in my room. Its just, I can't afford my own wardrobe and being such a understanding and caring daughter that my parents gave birth to, I tend not to ask them for stuff related to money. (I'll probably do a post about that issue another time!) I don't know, I just kinda like this idea, free and easy access to my clothing and it makes my room look kinda different to other ;) I'll be taking my own clothes tho I do share clothes with my older sis, meh we'll figure things out! Whats next I hear you ask.....


I've been loving art since I was in primary school and I've only gotten the way to perfect my own art in the last 2 years of secondary school. It was magic, suddenly everyone was good at art when we were secondary 4! Okay I need a mini art supply corner because I've been so mad that I don't have a space for art! I literally keep my supplies in a box or scattered around the room D: and I tend to lose things. DO YOU FREAKIN KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS TO LOSE ART THINGYS. I also want to continue art either in like studies or just in my free time because... hey I've finally found something I love. (well thats not true I love alot of things like singing.) Which brings me to my next point!

Getting more hipster I see but no. Stop. Well I'd paste a board full of photos on my wall, my moms quite particular about things I stick on the wall. OHMAHGHERD. I should get movie posters to stick onto my wall! Yes yes we're getting somewhere! Lastly, because this post is getting too long.

                                                       YUMMMM, WHATS THAT I SMELL?

Yes a scented candle! I'm gonna get a Yankee candle soon and probably get a nicely scented one where I can use throughout the year! I've been obsessing with getting my room to smell good. So yeah, thats it for todays post :) Sorry for being long winded.... DEAL WITH IT.

I'll do another blog post once its done! For anymore updates just follow my instagram: @blackcurse or my twitter: @MichelleeeLim :)

ciao bella!

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