Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Great Pretenders

I hate it when people like a facebook post saying that they are against bullying. What happened today with my junior and how schoolmates and people on the internet inspired todays post! So thank you so you cunts ;)

There was this girl I knew, she was 12. She had a really long term crush on this one boy who was in the same school as her. They were childhood buddies, knew each other for like what 8 years. But he forgot she existed once they turned 7.

So one day the gods were kind enough to let their paths cross. She then had the chance to show her vulnerable side and confess when he broke up with his girlfriend.  She did and it went well. They started "dating" and after a while and thank god the holidays were coming!

 Then one day, all hell broke loose.

She had a blog which she constantly kept up to date. She proceeded to check her tagboard (which at that point in time existed). It was filled with hateful and disgusting messages.

"You're so ugly."
"You're only acting cute tying your hair in pigtails."
"Break up with ____!"
"He's not seriously dating you."
"I can't believe you are such a heartless person, dating someone ______ likes!"
"Fuck you."
"Fucking ugly bitch."
"Attention seeker."
(The list goes on and on)

Side note: There was another girl who liked the boy very dearly and they were both friends. This other girl wasn't a bitch. She told people she was fine with her being together with the boy and that people should stop harassing her.

At that time people were still using MSN, I'm not saying they don't now but more people do last time. A very good friend of hers told her "You know ____ wants to get back with his ex." And she went "Okay..." Her friend replied "Then you're still gonna be with him?" To be honest she didn't know what to believe because another friend had told her that it was her good friend telling people to break their relationship and was spreading awful rumors. (Readers I know its confusing, so its 3 different people here at this point.)

She loved the boy, what was she going to do? Who to believe? In her heart she knew that she trusted him. She knew they were gonna last. She knew it was just a bunch of rumors.

She was wrong.

He broke her heart. Left her hanging alone. What was worse was that the holidays were ending pretty soon.

She had no friends. She was completely alone. Her friends wouldn't talk to her because they were so afraid of being the victims of ostracism. Heck! Her friends were the one who started the rampage.

Now we all know this girl didn't do ANYTHING wrong right? Yet she was victimized for god knows whatever reasons.

Then this girl who was 12 years of age committed suicide.....

Hah who am I kidding. That girl was me.

Don't worry, even though I was ostracised by like the whole Chinese P6 population I found a safe haven in other races. Can I say that? Thats not racist is it? Yeah I hung out with 2 other lovely Tamil girls who were in my class. I don't blame the girl who started it. I knew she wasn't a very pleasant person from the beginning and you know what? She tried to break up another couple. Yes, the girl was her bestfriend. From then on people knew she was a Grade A bitch :)

You must understand that it gets pretty lonely when you don't have friends. It hurts even more when what you're going through is caused by you friends. Its like you spend all your time with them and you share secrets for like years but in a matter of seconds it all goes away and you're left with nothing. Imagine having your friends scared to hang out with you. Imagine facing a bunch of horrible girls alone. Imagine your heart being shattered into a million pieces by a guy. Imagine going through a heart break alone. Imagine wanting to cry every single second in school and wanting to go home but its not a good enough excuse. That you have to walk the same corridor as your monsters. I want you to know that no physical pain can ever measure up to any psychological pain you experience. I know what I had experience isn't as bad as what others may have had but if I multiply my pain by like a 1000 I could understand.

I want to say everyone should be against bullying but its impossible to change society's mind alone, so by writing this post and even though not many people read it, I want you to make the differene. Don't let the little girl sit by herself alone at school. Don't let THAT person cry alone. Don't be afraid to talk to THAT person when nobody else does. Be the person who I wanted to be there for me.

With this note, I conclude another horrendously long post.
With lots of love, Ciao bellas ;)

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